I got married on March 20, 2015 to Caleb Vaughn after years of dating. He is definitely the strength of our family! He and I got our dog, Violet, the day we got home from our honeymoon! What a way to kick-off married life! After getting through the struggles of puppy life, we became very bonded to her. We decided we wanted to add a baby to our crazy life at the beginning of 2016, but had some struggles along the way. Finally on December 5, 2017 we had our beautiful baby boy, Samuel Ellis Vaughn. He has brought more joy than we ever could have imagined! I am blessed beyond words!

My little family
Caleb and I are so proud of our little guy!
Maybe this picture will bring a smile to your face!
Samuel is a mommy's boy for sure!
Violet is our yellow lab, and we love her very much. She keeps life interesting!
I'm trying to instill a love of reading into our little guy already. So far he just likes to turn the pages!
My sweet miracle child who brings joy everywhere he goes!