SRSD Writing Information for Opinion and Informational Writing
Self-Regulated Strategy Development (SRSD)
As the students learn to write properly, they will be writing on many different prompts to test their knowledge about a story and to assess their writing abilities.
For informational and opinion essays, the following areas are scored using a rubric (Goal Setting Menu) with points available in each section.
Here are the sections scored.
Opening 2 pts
The opening is engaging and interesting. The topic is clear and answers the prompt.
3 body paragraphs 4 points for each one
Each paragraph has an information statement about the text that was read. (2 pts)
Details and explanations follow the information statement. Opinion essays should have opinion statements following these details. (2) pts
Ending or Conclusion 2 pts
The ending relates to the topic and briefly mentions the information again. Opinion essays should have a clear opinion stated.
Links 1 pt
Paragraphs and/or sentences are linked with words and phrases.
Language 2 pt
- The vocabulary used is on grade level with *precise words.
- Sentences are varied in size and style for interest.
Conventions 1 pt
Spelling, punctuation, and grammar are all correctly used.
* Precise words or those that help state an idea succinctly. Wordiness can be avoided with precise words.
Example: My parents went to some stores and looked at things on the shelves. They bought some things and came home.
* Precise wording: My parents went shopping and returned.
Below is an essay by one of my students, Amelia Davis. How would you score this essay with the rubric above? Let me know your thoughts in an email.
Prompt given: Compare Georgia O'Keeffe's perseverance with one of the characters from unit 1 of your reading textbook.
This student wrote about artist Georgia O'Keeffe and Alice Coachman, the first black woman to win an Olympic Gold Medal.

Please, let me know if you have any questions. I will try my best to answer them.
Mr. Gunderson